Connect PHP to MySQL with MySQLi and PDO Example Code

Any PHP program interacting with the database must first connect to it. So, we need to write code to connect to a database using PHP, and then we can perform various database operations on it.

This PHP database connection tutorial demonstrates how we can connect PHP to MySQL using MySQLi and PDO. Also, we will see how you can include MySQL connection scripts in your PHP program to write it once and use it in the other PHP programs that need to access the database.

Connect to database in PHP using MySQLi and PDOWatch YouTube Video

Establish Connection

You have to choose a MySQL database before establishing a connection to it. You can use the 'test' database which comes along with XAMPP/WAMP installation. See the below screenshot.

MySQL database connection

To connect to MySQL database, we need the below four parameters:

  1. Server name - in our case, it is 'localhost'
  2. Userid - let us use 'root' as userid, it exists as default userid
  3. Password - By default, 'root' does not have a password
  4. Database name - in our case it is 'test'

With this, let us write PHP code to connect to MySQL database.

Different ways to connect to the database

We will discuss three types of connections here from PHP. These are:

  1. MySQLi Procedural
  2. MySQLi Object Oriented
  3. PDO (PHP Data Objects)

Let us take a look at each of these types of connections:

MySQLi Procedural Connection to MySQL database from PHP

Using this type of connection, we can use MySQLi extension to connect to a database. We can use mysqli_connect() method to connect to the database. See the below code:


// connect to database using mysqli_connect procedural
$server = "localhost";
$userid = "root";
$pwd = "";
$dbname = "test";

$conn = mysqli_connect($server, $userid, $pwd, $dbname);

// check the connection
if (!$conn)
die ("Connection Error:". mysqli_connect_error());

echo "Procedural Connection successful";

mysqli_connect() method is used to connect to the database. This method takes four parameters. These are Server, userid, password and database name. The database name is not mandatory in this method. In our case, we have provided these values using four variables to connect to a specific database. If the connection is successful, the method returns true. If it cannot connect to the database because of some issues, it returns false. In case of a connection error, we display the error message using mysqli_connect_error() function.

Create a directory named "dbconnect" under your xampp/htdocs, and save the above code in a file "dbconnect_pro.php" in that folder.

Now, open your browser and type localhost/dbconnect/dbconnect.php and enter. Make sure services are running in your XAMPP control panel. You will see the below result which shows the connection is successful.

MySQL database connection in php mysqli_connect

You can see database connection is successful in this case. If the connection was not successful, it would have displayed an error message.

MySQLi Object Oriented Style connection to MySQL database from PHP

For this type of connection also we can use MySQLi extension to connect to the database, but in this case, we will create a mysqli instance by using new mysqli(). See the below code:


//connect to database using mysqli_connect Object Oriented style
$server = "localhost";
$userid = "root";
$pwd = "";
$dbname = "test";

$conn = new mysqli($server, $userid, $pwd, $dbname);

// check the connection
if ($conn->connect_error)
die ("Connection Error: ". $conn->connect_error);

echo "Object oriented style Connection successful";

We are using the same four parameters here - Server, userid, password and database to create the mysqli instance using new mysqli(). Here also database name is not mandatory. In case of an error in connection, we display the actual error message by using $conn->connect_error function.

Save the above code in a file named dbconnect_oo.php in the same directory as earlier.

Now, open your browser and type localhost/dbconnect/dbconnect_oo.php and enter. Make sure services are running in your XAMPP control panel. You will see the below result which shows the connection is successful.

MySQL object oriented database connection in php

You can see database connection is successful in this case.

PDO connection to MySQL database from PHP

in this case, we will create a PDO instance using new PDO() to connect to the database. See the below code:


// PDO connection
$server = "localhost";
$userid = "root";
$pwd = "";
$dbname = "test";

try {
    $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$server;dbname=$dbname", $userid, $pwd);
    echo "PDO Connection successful";
  } catch(PDOException $e) {
    echo "Connection failed: " . $e->getMessage();

We use TRY...CATCH here and the same four parameters - Server, userid, password and database to create the PDO instance using new PDO(). In this case, the database name is mandatory. PDO needs a string with the server and database name. setAttribute() method is used to set the error mode to exception. In case of an error, we display the error message using PDOException.

Save the above code in a file named dbconnect_pdo.php in the same directory as earlier.

Open the browser and run localhost/dbconnect/dbconnect_pdo.php. Make sure services are running in your XAMPP control panel. You will see the below result which shows the connection is successful.

MySQL PDO connection to php

You can see the database connection is successful.

PHP program to fetch and display data using these connections.

Now, let us write a simple PHP program to connect to the database, fetch data and display it in an html table. We will use these three types of connections separately to show how to use them in a PHP program.

Since we have already written database connection code, we will just include it in our program, advantage of this is that we can reuse it in another program.

We will create a table named 'category' in the test database. Just run the below create-table script. Copy the code and paste it into the SQL window, then click the "Go" button. The table will be created and data will be inserted in it.

CREATE TABLE `category` (
  `category_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `category_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci;

INSERT INTO `category` (`category_id`, `category_name`) VALUES
(1, 'Furniture'),
(2, 'Electronics'),
(3, 'Dress Material'),
(4, 'Food');

ALTER TABLE `category`
  ADD PRIMARY KEY (`category_id`);

ALTER TABLE `category`

The structure of the table and the rows in it are given below:

Table: category

display data in html table from MySQL database in php

Table data

display data in html table in php and mysql

Use MySQLi Procedural connection

We will create index.php to display the data in an html table. We will connect to the database using MySQLi procedural connection as explained earlier. So, we will include dbconnect_proc.php in index.php. See below code:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <title>MySQL database connection example</title>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">

    <div class="container">
        <h1>MySQL database connection example</h1>
        include "dbconnect_pro.php";   // MySQLi procedural connection
        $sql = "select * from category";
        $result = mysqli_query($conn,$sql);
        <div class="table-responsive">
            <table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
                        <th>Sr No.</th>
                        <th>Category id</th>
                        <th>Category Name</th>
                    $counter = 0;
                    foreach ($result as $row) {
                        $counter++; ?>
                            <td><?= $counter; ?></td>
                            <td><?= $row['category_id'] ?></td>
                            <td><?= $row['category_name'] ?></td>
                    <?php } ?>


See lines 16, 17 and 18. We have included the connection script in line 16. Next, we have our select statement and execute it using mysqli_query(). Then in line 32, we use a FOREACH loop to fetch the data and display it in an html table.

Run in the browser using localhost/dbconnect you will see the below output:

display data in html table in php and mysql

Here, we do not need to print the connection successful message, you can remove it. We have used it to show which connection type we are using.

Use MySQLi Object-Oriented style connection

Here we have to include dbconnect_oo.php, so replace line 16 with include "dbconnect_oo.php"; // MySQLi object-oriented connection and also replace line 18 with $result = $conn->query($sql); to execute the query. The rest of the code will remain the same.

Run in the browser using localhost/dbconnect you will see the below output:

display data in html table in php and mysql

Use PDO connection

Here we have to include dbconnect_pdo.php, so replace line 16 with include "dbconnect_pdo.php"; // PDO connection and also replace line 18 with $result = $conn->query($sql); to execute the query. The rest of the code will remain the same.

Run in the browser using localhost/dbconnect you will see the below output:

display data in html table in php and mysql

This way, we can include a database connection program to access the database. Write once and use it multiple times whenever required. Also, in case you need to change your database connection parameters, you have to change them only in one place. So, this is easier for code maintenance.

Which type of connection is better?

While MySQLi supports only MySQL databases, PDO connection supports many other databases. So, if there is a need to connect to a different database, you do not have to change the code much for a PDO connection. But with MySQLi connection a significant amount of code change is required.

connect php with mysql in xamppConclusion

This topic was to show how to connect to a MySQL database using different types of connections in PHP. We have seen how to connect PHP to MySQL database using MySQLi as well as PDO. I hope this will be useful to you.

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