Display data in an html table with Laravel pagination and download the data in a CSV file in Laravel with MySQL database. No Package is required.
Write jQuery scripts to send form data using Ajax in Laravel and MySQL. Do Laravel form validation and submit the ajaxform without refresh.
You can use the same blade file for create and update in Laravel. It will be a single form that can be used for both add and edit.
Develop an application for Laravel Soft Delete. Use Laravel Eloquent to restore data from trash or use force delete to permanently delete it.
Send mail in Laravel using Mailtrap. It is an example of how to send mail in Laravel for testing in development. Do Laravel mail configuration in .env for mailtrap.
Create multiple MySQL database connections in Laravel 10 to migrate data. Select data from one database and insert it into another database for data migration.
Maintain languages dynamically in MySQL database and display content in multiple languages using Laravel localization.
Laravel application to insert, update and delete (CRUD) in MySQL database. Use image preview and upload along with this to store image in MySQL database
Develop a Laravel custom authentication system. This includes Laravel login and registration, change password, forgot password and email verification.