Using CodeIgniter pagination library and MySQL database, develop simple and quick pagination links in CodeIgniter for all data displayed on your web page.
Create a registration form with image preview and upload in CodeIgniter 3 and MySQL. Preview the image before upload and view the uploaded image.
Develop login and registration forms in CodeIgniter 3. Learn CodeIgniter 3 form validation and step-by-step tutorial on user authentication in CodeIgniter.
Learn CodeIgniter 3 and display data in html table from the database. A step-by-step guide with an example of how to build and run CodeIgniter 3 project in localhost.
You must do the form validation in CodeIgniter after the user submits it. Learn how you can validate a form in CodeIgniter 3 with an example of a registration form.
Develop registration and login forms in CodeIgniter 4 and MySQL with free source code. A step-by-step guide along with form validation in CodeIgniter 4.
Learn how to use Ajax with CodeIgniter 3. Send data using Ajax in CodeIgniter 3. Also, know how you can fetch data using Ajax to display details in a modal.
Download and install CodeIgniter 4 for Windows and learn how to set up some basic configurations. Test to run CodeIgniter 4 project in localhost
Display and update data in MySQL table using CodeIgniter 3. Also, delete data using Ajax without page reload.